Here are a few questions I am frequently asked…

What Made You Lose the Weight?
First things first, I decided one day that I was just going to change, simple as that. The process itself – not simple- but the decision to want to be healthy and to want to do something about that…simple.
Once I made the decision to be healthy, then there was the first step. There was a “Biggest Loser” finish challenge at my job. One of my good friends had been talking about how much she wanted to lose weight, and was going to join in. I think the entry fee was maybe $10. I personally, was not interested in joining a challenge, and really not interested in forking over 10 bucks! I was not going to win, and I wasn’t even interested in losing weight. But, I was supporting a friend, and to me, she was worth $10 loss.
We started researching together how exactly to lose weight. Total novices! We started eating egg whites and pork sausages for breakfast, lol! We’d eat veggies and meat for lunch. She was mega disciplined! While she was going home and eating veggies and meat, I was going home and eating Munchos and tuna fish…with lots of mayo!
But, somewhere during that first month, something in me clicked. I was actually on board with the being healthy, and losing weight. We started working out in the gym downstairs on our lunch break. A discipline was born, and we were really serious!
Of course, we didn’t win the challenge. I don’t think we even collectively lost 20 lbs together. But that experience ignited the desire in me to be healthy. Contribute to eat well, exercise often.

How Often Do You Work Out?
I honestly workout, or run 6 days a week. I run at least 20 miles a week, but no more than 30 unless I am training for race, or just really feeling it.
I lift, and I lift heavy. 2 days a week, one upper one lower, for about 30 minutes. I have my husbands help so I don’t pull any punches.
I also do yoga. I take an actual yoga class on Wednesdays and occasionally Saturday mornings. I also have a few yoga dvds I flow to at home.

Are You on a Diet?
No, no diets, calorie counting, nor macro counting here. I have tried a few eating styles over the last 4 years; Low Carb, Low Glycemic, Paleo, and LCHF. I have learned a lot from eating these ways, but have returned to just eating a balanced array of foods including, lean proteins, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and some carbs especially if I am running and the occasional indulgence. I love popcorn, too!

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