Eating, Fitness, Running, Uncategorized, Yoga

Swinging By, Stress Free

Hello Hip Huggers and Happy Friday!

Just swinging in to share with you all my week on this lovely Friday afternoon. Since reading Eat, Pray, Love –  my enthusiasm for things feels anew, to say the least. The stress of getting it all done, has gone. I’ve adopted a ‘will do my best’ approach for living, just like that. Everyday, I have gotten out of bed, with an attitude of DO! My husband has been working long hours these last few weeks so I have had to step it up even around here and I have done so… willingly(?) Albeit, I am very proud that I have gotten up and out of bed everyday with purpose and have hit the floor running, figuratively at least.


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 Unready for a run, but ready for the day!

These last few weeks, I have tracked my eating and water intake about 80% of the time.  Mindful of fiber and side eyeing simple carbs. I have started journaling again and its been absolute therapy in dealing with falling back, and stepping forward in fitness. I have made it to Zumba twice a week and have ran at least 2 miles most days. All without feeling like I am overhauling my life or depriving myself. Getting it in where it fits in and focusing on the small things I can do to reach my goals, without overthinking it. Some days salmon, some days salad. All day delish.

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Kale salad with chicken, cheese, salad topping and tahini dressing, yum!

One big delish thing on my ‘To Do list of late is to attend at least 2 classes at my gym. I have been LOVING going to Zumba with my friend B, but the classes are in a different city 20 minutes away, and they start at 7:30 pm. The classes at my home gym vary, but evening ones start at 7pm, a little earlier like I like, and only 5 minutes down the road from home and across from Starbucks. Again, it’s at MY own gym – a place where I need to be swinging by regularly to better familiarizing myself with anyway.


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Going to check out the cycling, yoga, and Zumba classes these next couple weeks!

But, I reeally, reeeeally want to get back in full swing with running 20 miles a week again before the REAL Spring heat up and the scorching heat of an impending summer get the best of me.In the past, jumping in a 5k has always sparked a little something in the running spirit. I have been browsing a few races and have all but hit enter on one in particular, the 2016 5k for Human Rights in Dallas in May. But, I’m not 100% in it heart and soul. Even though I am certain I can manage a 5k on little training, I do NOT want to get out there, ill prepared and end up shelving running for year, again. I have to be smart and focused on the long term: weekly running, for fun and fitness. STRESS FREE!

Forward me my mail, B… I’m outta there!


What are some goals you’d like to get checked off before summer? I’d like to hear ’em below!


Come Back, Clipped Wings!

Hola Hip Huggers!
I am reaching out to any hipsters that have gone abandoned ship in my social media absence. Ok, not really. I am really talking about running. Literally, it has been months since I let my wings out and I am pretty sure running is tired of my ‘ish and is getting ready to dump me…


Gah, I miss running so much, and want it back in my life! I just had a very rough start to the year, and never recovered. Running went from inconsistent, to random, to not at all. I even got a gym membership that I haven’t. even. used. to feel the void that running has always given me. Hoping to at least be staying in great shape until the slump passed…I’ve failed at that as well.

But yesterday, my racing buddy text me about a 5k in October. She is always a great source of inspiration because she is one of the reasons I ever started running. Neither of us have run in quite some time, so something small like this would be perfect. I told her I was in if she was…. So, I kind of think that has sparked some life back into running. It is still so hot here in Texas, so running outdoors for me is a no go. Last summer’s heat and 100 mile month of running just exhausted me. Can’t bring myself to do that, at least this year. But the treadmill? Am I ready for the road to nowhere? Just the thought of getting on that thing makes me hot, and not in a sexy way.


But, the time has come for me to get back active. Running is the easiest, yet the hardest and I’ve got to figure out a way to push passed this pseudo retirement phase and break out running!

Help! How can I get back running after a loooong break?

Eating, Fitness, Lifting, Running

Permission to be Paleo’ish

Hello, Hip Huggers!

This is Day 2 of me tracking my calories and I feel like I am finally in a mind frame of peace.  I admittedly have
gotten very relaxed with food portions and fat intake since transitioning from a Paleo to LCHF way of eating.

Now that I am revisiting daily low intensity fat burning cardio, I need to reduce my fat consumption by a bit.
In that, I’ve decided to cut back drastically on the cheese, and dairy. When I initially began
eating Paleo, I was at my most fit! I didn’t indulge in those to groups above and alongside a bit more
cardio, I was very positive about my weight and my physique.

 I would like to reduce my overall body fat percentage and lose about 10 lbs. over the next couple of months.
So, I have recalibrated my workouts 15 minutes of full body circuits and 30 minutes of low intensity, fat burning cardio daily. I know the true change comes in dietary changes, so I am back to eating Paleoish.

So after a happy Paleo breakfast of kale, mushroom, and eggs along side some burnt bacon and black coffee, I was ready to get my sweat on for the day. We did a leg circuit as follows:

***4 Rounds with 5# weights***
15 Curtsy to Squats
15 Squat Pulses
15 Lateral Lunges (each side)
15 Lateral Walks (each way)

 After that burn, we went on a 3 mile stroll around the park. Me getting a good post workout stretch…


Me getting in a gratuitous yoga pose stretch…


Once we got back to the crib, my neighbor friend showed me a cool little set of intervals that boosted my heart rate thru the roof! We used the sloped curb and did these drills about 2 minutes. I’ll record it next time and share it with you all!


78 Minute workout. 630 Calories burned. Poor lighting.


Home and looking for food. I desperately need to buy groceries, because eating wraps everyday is a wrap getting kinda boring.

So, I chopped up some peppers and boiled potatoes, threw in sausage and cracked an egg.


Nothing fancy, but Paleo approved!
Stretching and off to the library to find a good yoga Paleo living book!
Catch you later!

Question: Are you Paleo? LCHF? Low GI? Let me know!



Eating, Fitness, Lifting, Running

Friday Food Fight

Hello Hip Huggers and Happy Friday!

Started my day sipping some coffee scrolling thru Facebook looking
for a laugh and was dinged today’s Timehop from 3 years ago..


A lot of food?! Hahahaha!! I’m fighting back tears!
Y’all I had this eating thing down to a science!
Seems a bit high maintenance now but eating
healthy and really managing my portions, was a
recipe for weight loss success.
Speaking of unsuccess, I saw a peek of the sun so I got up for a 2 mile run.
I am glad there is no such thing as a bad run because this one
would have qualified for sure. I had to fight for and thru this run!
Wet and muddy everywhere, my jacket felt itchy, my new gloves were hard
to get used to, and my foot arches ached after just a quarter mile into my run.


But it was too pretty of a sky to let my body talk me
into out of 2 miles. I have needed this mental run for some
days now and I was gonna knock it out!

IMG_6910TKO! 3 Mile Run, slow but steady.

Home and I need to lift something! I pulled out my
favorite arm blast and did my best sets.

Here’s the Arm Work; 3 Sets of 10:
**Used with 8 lb. weights**
10  Curl to Press
10 Side to Lateral Raise
10 Row to Fly
10 Single Tricep Extensions

 Followed up that routine with
shoulder burnouts. Burnouts are
pretty much another routine performed
after the primary workout to work muscles
to full exhaustion, so use a super light weight!

**Used with 3 lb. weights**
All one Set:
25 Side Lateral Raises

25 Front Raises
25 Shoulder Presses
25 Arm Circles
After that tapout burnout, I needed to recharge.
I also needed a carb, to refuel these glycogen stores.
I grabbed a lavash, cooked up a couple pieces of bacon
and egg w/ cheese, and used leftover pico de gallo, salsa, and
ranch from my birthday meal and voila… food at last!


Now, I need to grab a few things from Aldi before my kiddos
get out of school and we’re all in here fighting for food.

Enjoy your weekend, Hipsters!

Question: Do you care about pace when running?

Fitness, Lifting, Running

Birthday Bounce Back…and Biceps

Good Morning, Hip Huggers!
No secret my bday was yesterday’s past,
and I was bestowed the perfect gift of a
beautifully peaceful day… if that is ok.

To the future!

I am incredibly grateful to see another year before me,
but I am not a huge birthday celebrator.
I am pretty content with a new pair of shoes
and a lemon cake with lemon frosting.
Because I am easy to forget please…


I thought I was hard remember until
I was getting ready to start my old faithful
daily 3 mile trot around the park when  got a tweet
that my story was finally featured on Yogaudacious!

This is an awesome little space for yogis to share their stories
about their, our first experiences with yoga.
Yoga is a beautiful practice to have a part of one’s daily life, and
I am grateful for the chance to share. Thank you, ladies.

Check out my feature here!

Let me share my workout! Got going on my balmy 3 miler.
Breezy, yet sunny, no one but the strays landscapers.
I was certainly gifted with a beautiful day!

Returned to mi casa and tripped over onto the weights!
Here’s a bulletin for any new Hip Huggers:
I absolutely love lifting heavy. I see the most change
when I am challenging my muscles on that level.
However, there is a season for everything.
I am currently in one season of working full body and
keeping my heart rate high through the duration
of my workout to burn some unneeded fat.
I’m sorry, I can’t curl 15’s for 4 sets of 10
and still have juice to do exploding lunges.
I will die can’t.
So, I unapologetically grab these 8 lb. weights
and go to town on these guns after cardio:

15 Bicep Curls
15 Single Dumbbell Rows
15 Single Tricep Extensions
15 Alternating Shoulder Presses

4 sets of that and my arms were screaming!
Less can be more! I cant stress that enough.
Birthday Bounce, Biceps and Back Done!

Like a Birthday Boss!
I was on the phone talking to my sister yesterday,
and she asked when I was going to start posting workout
videos YouTube. I concluded never. the last thing folks
need is another know it all. Buuuuut, I must say
there aren’t a whole lot of workout videos for the
pear shaped beauties of the world such as myself.
I mean, you don’t need a plus size video to work out,
but it does help when you can see someone else who
looks like you getting a workout in or just showing
a ‘How-To! Albeit sweating and looking crazy, like me!

“Mirror, mirror on the wall,
whose the Hippest Runner of them All?”


That may be a stretch, but vlogging sure wouldn’t be!
A good project I can work on in
the coming months… stay tuned, Hipsters!

Question: Do you do exercise using online fitness videos?

Eating, Fitness, Lifting, Running

Fog, Food, and Free Weights

Hey Hey, Hip Huggers!

This morning, I had planned for a run.. but the fog was ridiculous!


So, while I waited for the sun to come and do it’s thing,
I cooked up this complete breakfast and grabbed a book to
keep me busy. Just until the fog let up a bit.


2 hours, a LOT of fog still lingered… and no sun.
Visibility had to be 10 yards or so. Just too dangerous
to run, even at the speed I planned on sloshing about at.
So finally,  I opted for a quick lifting sesh instead.


For the first time in quite awhile,
I concentrated on just one muscle group
and keeping my heart rate between
70 – 80% by still having an active rest in between.
My workout consisted of:

15 Dumbbell Presses
15 (ea.) Single Shoulder Presses
15 Pulse to Full Presses

Between each of these sets, I performed 15 squats
to keep my heart rate up and immediately jumped right
back into the shoulder work with little recovery.

3 sets of all that and I was toast.

I felt very alive after that burn, so
still wanted some cardio… any cardio!
Luckily, my neighbor text and asked if I wanted to stroll, yo.


Showered, stretched, and satisfied.
Now I’m home snacking on a banana
with a few handfuls nuts and berries.


I’m currently updating my blog page… hyper complicated.
So be patient if ‘ish looks weird on here. I’m a novice.


Wish me luck, I need a fresh outlook for the New Year!

Question: What is your favorite social media site?

Running, Yoga

Catching Up and Coming Clean

Hello and Happy Wednesday Hip Huggers!

I had planned on getting up early and running after dropping off the kiddos,

but I saw a huge Dalmatian that stared at me like a bouncer, and I didn’t have a VIP pass…


So, I opted for yoga first.

I just HAD to get back on the wrecking ball today. In a major way.

So, in addition to my regular home practice, I had planned on participating in a four asana

challenges this month…but then, after much thought, decided not to.

In August, I only participated in one month-long challenge, #AumSweetAum hosted by YogabyJo

along with another awesome yogi. There was something so peaceful and fun about that

challenge that I honestly, only wanted to participate in their September challenge, #TulaYogi.

But, I really want to work on yoga sequencing aka yoga flow, so I’m doing #back2bayZITs as well.

That’s not to say I won’t dabble every now and then with some of the other poses from those

other challenges, but as far as commitments go, those are the only 2 my heart was in.

So, morning yoga flow + posted 6 asanas to catch up to Day 3 of both challenges…

photo (23)

Anantasana Variation, Side Reclining Leg Lift w/ Half Lotus

In hindsight, I really could have sharpened up this asana, but no, That’s the beauty of yoga..

it’s your own practice! Some days my body gives 100 %… others, it’s just barely on the mat.

Take it however it comes… because all is coming!


Now to running

I decided I was going to walk or run 30 minutes a day no matter what for the month of September.

Just a little challenge for myself now that the weather is calming down and being outdoors

doesn’t feel like 91000 degrees.  But, I skipped yesterday so now I am in the negative and needed a 4.5 mile run…

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 Just 3 miles done!

Too HOT!  Needless to say, I’ll be catching up on a later date 🙂


In other non fitness news, I had an amazing conversation with my best friend yesterday.

We both shared in our struggle to stop settling for less in life. We are conquerors and it

can be easy to get discouraged and put major plans for your life on hold until said courage

is at full tank. I think more for me, I realized that is just no longer and acceptable excuse

to not achieve what I want for my life! I want to work in fitness and on a major scale.

I want to teach yoga, fitness, and have a walking club for geriatric, pregnant, and disabled human beings

of the world. My empathetic heart wants to help those that NEED help and can’t do it alone.

So, I just wanted to put that out there for you Hip Huggers. I’ve shared in a dream of mine.

Now, it’s time to make it come true!

Thanks for letting me come clean today!

Question: Speaking of dreams, I started taking 5 HTP and have nightmares!

Anyone else experience that side effect of taking this natural precursor? Let me know!

Eating, Fitness, Lifting, Uncategorized, Yoga

Gettin’ In the Check In…

Hello Hip Huggers!! Just checking on in wit ya…


You’re here now. That’s all that matters.

If you check in with me on Instagram, that little ticker right down there in the right hand corner, you’re up to date on my yoga challenges.
So, I’ll talk a smidge about other things that have been progressing over the last couple of weeks.
Since my last post, I have been doing a lot of reeling in on realizations about my fitness, you know, staying on my toes…

photo 4 (11)

First, I had a short tenure again with MyFitnessPal.
After a few days of fitting all my macros, I came to the conclusion that I don’t really need a food tracker any longer.
Aligning with my fitness goals, I just need to continue eating whole, real healthy foods as I have been.
Being certainly mindful of my protein intake, keeping a close watch on fats, and gettin’ in my fiber goals daily.
With delicious real meals such as this one from last night…

photo 2 (16)

Next, BodyBeast has been pretty much everything I have expected.
Not for the weak-minded I must say, because you will certainly be humbled when you are lifting drop, super, and giant sets!
I can’t believe I am saying this, but I had to break out my 5 lb. weights…yes. However, It lives up to the name.
I am seeing gains again. Check out this PUMP!!

phonto (3)

I DID have to take a week off though, and that totally had me in the dumps.
I overextended my quad in yoga during a Vinyasa flow.
To be precise, too many lunge variations to quick in the sequence kinda irritated my upper left quad.
In short, a lot of fast flowing lunges that ended like this…

photo 5 (5)

I was afraid I had pulled a tendon at first, that’s how bad it hurt.
But after icing and resting a few days, the pain has completely subsided.
Thank GOD! Lesson learned: Slow down to keep up!
Being sidelined from everything because of one thing is not a good look…
And trust me, I’ve worn it. Never. Again.

So, I had to scale back and return to less intense yoga and workouts.
Running was out of the question, so I picked a few 10 minute full body workouts to do daily,
After that pump, I trek over to the ‘Incredimill’ for a quick 30 minutes of walking intervals with hills,
or get it some step aerobics to get that heart rate up as well as that fitness…
For a fat burn that looks like this…

photo 3 (12)

Sometimes less is more. The name of the game in forever fitness, Hip Huggers

Check It!!

Question: What is your favorite form of Cardio?


3 Scoops, 2 Scores, 1 Hell of a Drug


Hello Hip Huggers!

I haven’t checked in since our Tempo Run fail Tuesday so

here’s the Triple Decker Scoop.. so you don’t ask for mine..



Wednesday: I had a 6 mile run.

photo 1 (16)

That is a long-ish run for the distance

I am focused on right now, so to conquer that run with

under 11 minute miles was fantastic!

I also spent a little time inverted to flush out my adrenals,

get some blood flow to the brain and eyes

photo 2 (11)

and just to be cool.

Also, this amazing thing happened:

My Instagram was reinstated!


*sigh* it really is.

I had a lot to catch my followers up on

Anniversaries, medals, yoga, etc.

So, I snacked on some corned beef and provolone while I

was filling my faithfuls in on the last 9 weeks of life! Lchf, my pals:)

photo 3 (8)



Thursday was a very errand heavy day.

I didn’t know if it would turn out to be a rest day or a really-short-run day.

After paying some bills, I headed out to thrift!

I found a rice cooker

(brand spankin’ new) for $4.

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My kids have a new job and

I am officially retired from cooking rice 🙂

 Also found a fancy, schmancy Scentsy for 2 bucks..

 photo 4 (9)

I’m smellin fresh and frugal!

Way later, after food and the world cooled down a bit,

I managed to get in a pretty Quick 3.1 Miles, for the likes of myself!

I was very motivated, thanks to a friend’s advice!

photo 2 (12)


Bonus: Triple:

I started today’s’ ‘check in’ blog early this morning.

As I was typing, I could hear dog tags jingling – my dogs got out.

Which they’ve managed to do a lot of lately.

New behavior, and its driving me crazy!

They are both fixed, so I have no idea why they are

determined to dig holes and escape! Either way,

Break the rules, you get grounded!

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So, that was a mini workout reeling them back in.

 I was ready to go back to bed run after that…

photo 3 (9)

Friday: 6.2 Miles Done + Sirsasana Love

Took some great advice from a runner friend  and

really challenged myself.

My mantra was ‘stay under 11 min/miles’

When I got to about 4.5, it was ‘stay under 10.

 I have running easy down to a science,

its time to kick things in higher gear..

Still must remain injury free! Much rather slow, than No!


Long run planned for Sunday at dawn… I’m keeping the mileage a secret!

We’ll see if its something to talk about…

So, there’s the triple scoop! Catch y’all later!

Question: What is your ‘mantra’ when pushing through a run?


Trashy Tempo Talk

Happy Wednesday Hip Huggers!

It’s Hump Trash Day!


Oops. My bad.

I have been doing lots of eating garbage this last week and a half

that my hubby has been on vacation.

But, he’s returned and things will get back to normal

starting with some quick pre blog run food…

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Carb. Protein. Fat…oh myy yes!

***Quick recap of the weekend***

Saturday: 3 Miles

photo 1 (15)

I ran an ‘Out and Back’ Saturday just to keep my legs moving since

I had run 8 miles the day before AND, had a 6 mile run planned the next day.

 My calves were trash definitely sore and tight, but I did ok.


Sunday: 6 Miles

My running buddy overslept, so I talked to myself hit the pavement solo.

I really appreciated the nice and quiet morning. I amost missed the sunrise…

photo 3 (7)

But I made it out on time. I decided to run the park, so it was

lots of loops which I hate. But, it was money mileage over everything, so

I got in where what I could fit in…

photo 2 (10)

Hmm, a bit slower than I planned, but DONE!! I still treated myself

to a delish smoothie while recovering… I earned it!

photo 1 (14)


Monday was a rest day, so I picked up running Tuesday

with a 3 mile Tempo run at the track. Hubby joined in, too!

photo 4 (7)

We went around 8pm, which was already weird because

I don’t like running evenings.

 And though dusk, it was still 90 degrees and humid.

Even so, I tried to stay near the 10:30 pace,

but I’m trash not that fast. That pace just did not happen.

I DID pick up the pace at the end, which made it a tempo run fail.

But I think my mental game is keeping my short runs

this summer under 11 minutes and my long runs under 12.

Winning at that! Any Either way, 3 miles done and done.

photo 1 (13)

***And I’m at juuust over 74/85 miles for the month of July!***

photo (1)

I will have reached my goal before half marathon kicks off next week.

Nervously excited to begin that!

I just pray I stay healthy, uninjured, and don’t quit halfway thru…


Most things, Willy. Most things…

Going to try and blaze thru this 6 miler now.

See y’all in a bit, Hip Huggers!!

Question: How do you recover after your Long Run?