Eating, Fitness, Lifting, Running

Permission to be Paleo’ish

Hello, Hip Huggers!

This is Day 2 of me tracking my calories and I feel like I am finally in a mind frame of peace.  I admittedly have
gotten very relaxed with food portions and fat intake since transitioning from a Paleo to LCHF way of eating.

Now that I am revisiting daily low intensity fat burning cardio, I need to reduce my fat consumption by a bit.
In that, I’ve decided to cut back drastically on the cheese, and dairy. When I initially began
eating Paleo, I was at my most fit! I didn’t indulge in those to groups above and alongside a bit more
cardio, I was very positive about my weight and my physique.

 I would like to reduce my overall body fat percentage and lose about 10 lbs. over the next couple of months.
So, I have recalibrated my workouts 15 minutes of full body circuits and 30 minutes of low intensity, fat burning cardio daily. I know the true change comes in dietary changes, so I am back to eating Paleoish.

So after a happy Paleo breakfast of kale, mushroom, and eggs along side some burnt bacon and black coffee, I was ready to get my sweat on for the day. We did a leg circuit as follows:

***4 Rounds with 5# weights***
15 Curtsy to Squats
15 Squat Pulses
15 Lateral Lunges (each side)
15 Lateral Walks (each way)

 After that burn, we went on a 3 mile stroll around the park. Me getting a good post workout stretch…


Me getting in a gratuitous yoga pose stretch…


Once we got back to the crib, my neighbor friend showed me a cool little set of intervals that boosted my heart rate thru the roof! We used the sloped curb and did these drills about 2 minutes. I’ll record it next time and share it with you all!


78 Minute workout. 630 Calories burned. Poor lighting.


Home and looking for food. I desperately need to buy groceries, because eating wraps everyday is a wrap getting kinda boring.

So, I chopped up some peppers and boiled potatoes, threw in sausage and cracked an egg.


Nothing fancy, but Paleo approved!
Stretching and off to the library to find a good yoga Paleo living book!
Catch you later!

Question: Are you Paleo? LCHF? Low GI? Let me know!



Fitness, Lifting, Running

Saturday Snags

Happy Saturday, Hip Huggers,

I picked up my kiddos from their friend’s sleepover early
so I could get a workout in on this fabulous Saturday afternoon.
But, I couldn’t leave without snagging some leftover pre-workout…

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Homemade Frozen inspired strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
They were divine! Is there a better pre motivation to workout than this?
Speaking of motivation, I’m glad I didn’t let yesterdays run dissuade me today.
Still a little stunned by my digression, I felt like I couldn’t even deal with pace today.
Like, we’ve seriously broken up until I get some answers speed under my feet.
My only tangible goal today was to run 3 easy miles, nonstop.
No pace, no mileage just a full out run is all my poor little discouraged heart desired.
So, we ready? Cupcake Food in Belly? Check. Running gear? Check. Gratuitous Selfie?


Check… out those muddy dog paws on my floor.
Let me get outta here before someone slips asks me to clean it!
Such a beautiful day, so I figured I’d be spontaneous and snagged a new route,
secretly hoping it would be a flatter route and boost my running ego a bit.
By the time I got home, 40 minutes had passed and it felt like about 3 miles.
I’m glad I didn’t have my Garmin because I didn’t want to even know that pace… boo.
But, I have to keep in mind I have built muscle and I’m carrying around a lot more
girl than I was last summer when I was running 100+ mile months. So, to share some
encouraging advice I received yesterday: one must be okay with slow winter running!

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Especially with still waters and blue skies like this!
Thank you Boring Broad Runs for your words!
Got home and the hubby and my teenager were working out in the garage,
so I grabbed my weights did about 10 minutes of arms and squats along with them.

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After an hour of working out, I was pleased with today’s effort.
Always awesome when you get a good sweat in on a Saturday, folks.
Afterwards, I stretched, showered, and recovered Naked.


I am not a huge fan of calorie laden drinks, no matter how fruity.
But these 32 oz. bottles are regular price $4 and I snagged them for $1 each!
Something tasty to sip on with some vodka eggs in the a.m. after yoga…

I’ll pass on the yoga vodka. This time.
Sleep Tight, Hip Huggers!

Question: What’s the last fabulous deal you got?

Eating, Fitness, Lifting, Running

Friday Food Fight

Hello Hip Huggers and Happy Friday!

Started my day sipping some coffee scrolling thru Facebook looking
for a laugh and was dinged today’s Timehop from 3 years ago..


A lot of food?! Hahahaha!! I’m fighting back tears!
Y’all I had this eating thing down to a science!
Seems a bit high maintenance now but eating
healthy and really managing my portions, was a
recipe for weight loss success.
Speaking of unsuccess, I saw a peek of the sun so I got up for a 2 mile run.
I am glad there is no such thing as a bad run because this one
would have qualified for sure. I had to fight for and thru this run!
Wet and muddy everywhere, my jacket felt itchy, my new gloves were hard
to get used to, and my foot arches ached after just a quarter mile into my run.


But it was too pretty of a sky to let my body talk me
into out of 2 miles. I have needed this mental run for some
days now and I was gonna knock it out!

IMG_6910TKO! 3 Mile Run, slow but steady.

Home and I need to lift something! I pulled out my
favorite arm blast and did my best sets.

Here’s the Arm Work; 3 Sets of 10:
**Used with 8 lb. weights**
10  Curl to Press
10 Side to Lateral Raise
10 Row to Fly
10 Single Tricep Extensions

 Followed up that routine with
shoulder burnouts. Burnouts are
pretty much another routine performed
after the primary workout to work muscles
to full exhaustion, so use a super light weight!

**Used with 3 lb. weights**
All one Set:
25 Side Lateral Raises

25 Front Raises
25 Shoulder Presses
25 Arm Circles
After that tapout burnout, I needed to recharge.
I also needed a carb, to refuel these glycogen stores.
I grabbed a lavash, cooked up a couple pieces of bacon
and egg w/ cheese, and used leftover pico de gallo, salsa, and
ranch from my birthday meal and voila… food at last!


Now, I need to grab a few things from Aldi before my kiddos
get out of school and we’re all in here fighting for food.

Enjoy your weekend, Hipsters!

Question: Do you care about pace when running?

Eating, Fitness, Lifting, Running

Fog, Food, and Free Weights

Hey Hey, Hip Huggers!

This morning, I had planned for a run.. but the fog was ridiculous!


So, while I waited for the sun to come and do it’s thing,
I cooked up this complete breakfast and grabbed a book to
keep me busy. Just until the fog let up a bit.


2 hours, a LOT of fog still lingered… and no sun.
Visibility had to be 10 yards or so. Just too dangerous
to run, even at the speed I planned on sloshing about at.
So finally,  I opted for a quick lifting sesh instead.


For the first time in quite awhile,
I concentrated on just one muscle group
and keeping my heart rate between
70 – 80% by still having an active rest in between.
My workout consisted of:

15 Dumbbell Presses
15 (ea.) Single Shoulder Presses
15 Pulse to Full Presses

Between each of these sets, I performed 15 squats
to keep my heart rate up and immediately jumped right
back into the shoulder work with little recovery.

3 sets of all that and I was toast.

I felt very alive after that burn, so
still wanted some cardio… any cardio!
Luckily, my neighbor text and asked if I wanted to stroll, yo.


Showered, stretched, and satisfied.
Now I’m home snacking on a banana
with a few handfuls nuts and berries.


I’m currently updating my blog page… hyper complicated.
So be patient if ‘ish looks weird on here. I’m a novice.


Wish me luck, I need a fresh outlook for the New Year!

Question: What is your favorite social media site?


Trashy Tempo Talk

Happy Wednesday Hip Huggers!

It’s Hump Trash Day!


Oops. My bad.

I have been doing lots of eating garbage this last week and a half

that my hubby has been on vacation.

But, he’s returned and things will get back to normal

starting with some quick pre blog run food…

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Carb. Protein. Fat…oh myy yes!

***Quick recap of the weekend***

Saturday: 3 Miles

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I ran an ‘Out and Back’ Saturday just to keep my legs moving since

I had run 8 miles the day before AND, had a 6 mile run planned the next day.

 My calves were trash definitely sore and tight, but I did ok.


Sunday: 6 Miles

My running buddy overslept, so I talked to myself hit the pavement solo.

I really appreciated the nice and quiet morning. I amost missed the sunrise…

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But I made it out on time. I decided to run the park, so it was

lots of loops which I hate. But, it was money mileage over everything, so

I got in where what I could fit in…

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Hmm, a bit slower than I planned, but DONE!! I still treated myself

to a delish smoothie while recovering… I earned it!

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Monday was a rest day, so I picked up running Tuesday

with a 3 mile Tempo run at the track. Hubby joined in, too!

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We went around 8pm, which was already weird because

I don’t like running evenings.

 And though dusk, it was still 90 degrees and humid.

Even so, I tried to stay near the 10:30 pace,

but I’m trash not that fast. That pace just did not happen.

I DID pick up the pace at the end, which made it a tempo run fail.

But I think my mental game is keeping my short runs

this summer under 11 minutes and my long runs under 12.

Winning at that! Any Either way, 3 miles done and done.

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***And I’m at juuust over 74/85 miles for the month of July!***

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I will have reached my goal before half marathon kicks off next week.

Nervously excited to begin that!

I just pray I stay healthy, uninjured, and don’t quit halfway thru…


Most things, Willy. Most things…

Going to try and blaze thru this 6 miler now.

See y’all in a bit, Hip Huggers!!

Question: How do you recover after your Long Run?


Cool-ish Run, Cold-ish Chakra

Hola Hip Hip Huggers!
Can I just say, the weather here this week has been fantastic!
So nice, we spontaneously took the kiddos to Hurricane Harbor.
For a day outdoors in North Texas, in July, to be pleasant??
Unbelievable!  I don’t think it even broke 90°!
Great weather for a day of walking, swimming, climbing endless stairs,
and indulging in ridiculously overpriced food.
But I spent a lot of time here, so I was content-ish 🙂


I did take off 2 days to rest, accordingly. My legs had been tired from running, and it rained all day Thursday.
Sure fit signs to slow down and let my body recover, unrushed.
Today, I got back out there because the weather was peeerfect for some miles!

I was probably still a little dehydrated. I didn’t drink nearly as much at the park as I should’ve
and I’ve been eating a TON of sweets!
So, I tossed in a fruit punch Nuun to my wawa and got my fizzle on!

Running goal: I planned 6 miles. Felt god, but 1st mile was long.
I’d decided I would concede at 4-ish, and just focus on my long run Sunday.
But got a 2nd wind and just kept going!

8 Miles! Long-ish run for the week is accidently officially done!
And just under an 11 min/mile pace.
I have to thank my hubby for bringing me water and Spark at about mile 6.5.
I wouldn’t have made it otherwise, totally saved my run!
Here’s my splits to keep me accountable.

I am truly learning to run easy. Yes, its slowed me down, but it’s changed my running!
I am running distances I just would not a few months ago because I am not burning out.
Yoga-ish Time!
I stretched about 10 minutes opening up my hips before coming inside for yoga…

Utthan Pristhasana, or Lizard Pose.
Random-ish SN:
That moment your yoga instructor virtually adjusts your ass Asana….

I just love her! Such an amazing teacher and the one responsible for
me falling in love with yoga! Namaste, Caitlin

I’ve also started working to unblock my Muladhara, or my root chakra.
It has been very ungrounded since I stopped eating LCHF. Truth.
Anxiety, isolation, fatigue… I can feel it all.
It’s mainly why I’ve been practicing/sharing less inversions and arm balances; to focus more on
standing poses during my practice, such as warrior, low lunges, etc.
Which brings me to a picture a dear friend on IG added some “love” to…



The light and strength of yoga I hope to share, spread to everyone.
I love my Omies!

What are your workout weekend plans?




Goals and Holes

Hello Hip Huggers!!

Ok, so the 2 weeks I REALLY needed to be keeping up

 with blogging I didn’t. Now, I’m Fire in the Hole

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Good one, huh Trubies 🙂


Quick Fitness Recap!

I finished my month long running of miles!

Which might I add, didn’t start until approximately

2 weeks before the month ended, not too shabby.


I am at 34 of 85 goal miles I plan on running this month! Awesomeness!!!


I’ve been practicing yoga too, but not as much as before.


I really do throw myself completely and unapologetically into whatever

my heart desires… but, I am a balanced broad so, my goal is to find the middle ground..

which has been post running quick yoga outside on the ground as of late.


I will say the highlight of my running career gig so far has been

running the Flagpole 8k on Independence Day.


I have ran the Flagpole 8k once before and loooved the route!

It is at White Rock Lake and the run starts out on the

 “boardwalk” and leads into a higher altitude trail … awesome right?

Buuut, this year it was at Flagpole Hill. Just down the street.


None of the beautiful amenities of running the lake, sadly.

 Not the busling walkers and morning joggers.

Not the beautiful lake view and sounds.

But,  it was flat, and it looped around just once.

 That must  be a  huge advantage for someone like me because…

I placed 1st in my age group!!!


In all honesty fairness, I will say, it was a small race.

Even with that, placing was never my goal, not even a thought.

Easily less than 100 people, but who cares? either way,

of the far and few that are embracing their early dirty 30’s such as I am trying to,

I was the one to beat!

And this, I will treasure.


In other running new, I decided to run a half marathon!

‘ That Dam Half’ in Lewisville October 19.

 Training for that doesn’t begin until the end of the month,

 so I am just keeping things injury free and nimble for now.

I will be doing all the necessary speedwork and tempo runs.

Really going to stick to this plan and try to have a great race!

And a great day, as it is Bring-your-girls-to-visit-dad-and-have-Chili’s-with-dad Day!


Taking a couple days off to rest up for my kinda long 8 mile run Sunday morning.

A new friend is coming to run with so, I plan on…


That’s the goal!!

Have an Awesome Friday and Enjoy the Weekend!!

Question: Have you ever ran a 1/2 Marathon? Awesome?


End of the Beginnings…

So it’s official, I’m running the Hot Chocolate 15k Feb 8…

Super excited but also a little ansy, here’s why: I only have 4 weeks to train!! I mean, I literally just finished week 1 of the 10k training program on Nike, and now I have to either drop out or start my weekly long runs at 9 miles.. Ahh!

But, for all intents and purposes, I am excited! I get to run with the girl that really sparked the desire in my heart to run in the first place! My sister is definitely the reason I actually started running… But Lisa is the one who introduced its existence to me 🙂 I can’t wait! Speaking of run, that was the second part of my workout today… 3 miler!

This sweat fest was the first…

Work out done. Then trained my 2 new favorite people!

Came in and refueled. I have been eating excellent through the holiday season..of course. Not doing the mindless avocado, egg, and protein dance either  that I am totally not complaining about but, getting back to eating whole pots bowls of beans such as my favorite, lentils 🙂

And of course avocado — they always steal the show. However, they are 1st runner up to this delicious coquito my neighbor made for me us. Sorry lentils, pretty hurts.

What a day! I need that drink!

On top of training my new peeps, and kicking my workouts/running up, preparing for this race, and possibly going back to work, I’m gearing up for a serious week ahead! If 2014 is anything like this week, it’s going to be a year to remember.. for good reason! 🙂

January, I await you! Happy New Year, Hip Huggers!!

Late Happy Monday! Enjoy your week! Have you ever “undertrained” for a race? How’d you finish?